Sunday, July 17, 2011

Let the little children come...

Can a five-year-old change a family? I know one who did. Her mom came into the office the other day to pick up some books and began to share with Mrs. Howard how her daughter has changed their family.
This mom of three never graduated from high school but is now taking the plunge into getting her GED. She explained, "I know how to do most things, but I can't do Math. My husband bought me flash cards to help me learn my multiplication tables." She went on to explain how her daughter has been helping her practice. With the love and encouragement only your child can give, this small girl said to her mom, "You can do it. You just need to practice." Not only that, she daily talks to her mom and twin baby brothers about the fruit of the Spirit. Tears were brought to my eyes when I heard that she said, "I will do whatever I have to do to keep my children at this school because it is changing our family."
"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." -Jesus.

I am overjoyed that I get the privilege of helping to pour into the lives of these small children at West Dallas Community School, because it doesn't just change their lives, it impacts all those around them... including me.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


I know life has gotten away from me when I look and see that my last post was the end of May! Summer for teachers means travel and relaxation... for administration it means work in flip flops instead of heels. Too bad I'm not a teacher. BUT my job title has changed. Here's the story: (though its more INFORMATIONAL than anything!)
In March, Steven and I went for a walk just talking about life, school and work. I remember looking at him and saying, "There's only one other job at our school that I would take, the Volunteer Director position." This was more just chatting since the job was already filled by someone. But low and behold, about a month later, the job was OPEN and they were looking for someone. I'll spare you the boring details and just tell you that this process including a lot of the Lord humbling my heart to remind me that this life is FLEETING and that its not about job titles or status, but spreading his gospel and working for his kingdom.
In his graciousness, he has opened the door and I have walked through. You are now looking at the Volunteer Director for West Dallas Community School! Translation is that I am in charge of all the volunteers and shepherds at our school. SO if you're interested in helping out with a bunch of awesome kiddos, let me know!
The excitement over this job has lead into a holy fear of what I have to do and how much work its going to be. Steven constantly reminds me that its about the gospel - sharing it with the kids, with the donors and with myself! If I don't preach the gospel to myself every day, I end up with a skewed version of Christianity... that somehow my GOOD things are saving me or somehow I have attained all the good in my life on my own. When I preach the gospel to myself, I realize NO! If it weren't for the grace of God, I would be lost and dying and in desperate need of a Savior.
So, I humbly step forward into this new adventure of Volunteer Director knowing that God will use it for my good and his glory.
Steven has also stepped into something new in the past month since school has been out. Steven has this great knack of meeting people, especially in Dallas. Since we've moved here in February, he's made great friends with our neighbors upstairs. He's befriended several homeless people (which he knows by name). And has managed to make friends with several store owners in our neighborhood. One of those is Tom Jon. (Yes, he has two first names... I asked too) Tom Jon owns an eclectic shop around the corner from our house where he sells random odds and ends and his own clothing line. For the past several months, Steven goes in to just talk to him about life and Dallas and his store. Last month Tom Jon offered Steven a job the DAY he needed one. We are excited to see how the Lord is using this shop to build friendships with other people in the neighborhood and open the door for the gospel to be spread. I must brag on my husband here for a moment: this man knows how to accept people where they are and at the same time show them the light and love of Jesus.
So, Steven is working at the shop and will start his third (out of five) semester in Seminary in August and I have just started my new job as of last Tuesday. But, wherever we are and whatever we do, we pray that all would see the gospel of Jesus in our lives.